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Transfer Admissions FAQs

General Questions
  • How can I apply?
    Application instructions can be found on our How To Apply as a transfer applicant page.
  • Am I a transfer student?
  • Can I choose “undeclared” as my major on my application?

是-如果你将以少于45学分进入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, you may apply as an undeclared student.

NO – If you will be transferring with 45 or more credits, 你必须申报专业才能被录取.

  • Will I need to take placement tests again?
    Generally, 有24个或更多大学学分的学生入学时可以免除数学/英语分班考试. 然而,某些需要更高水平数学课程的专业可能需要进一步的测试. Also, 如果你在大学里没有成功地完成至少一门外语课程,或者你唯一的外语经验是在高中阶段, 你将被要求参加外语分班考试.
  • When is the application deadline?
    Applications must be submitted by the posted deadlines to be considered for admission. 所需材料,如官方成绩单,可能会在截止日期后收到.
  • Are transfer scholarships available?
    十大博彩推荐排名每年提供2000美元的奖学金,为期2年 Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society members. 本科招生办不为即将入学的转学生提供择优奖学金. 然而,你的专业可能会有奖学金. 超过72%的学生获得某种形式的经济援助,所以一定要提交你的FAFSA ( and list Montclair State University (MSU Code 2617).
  • Does Montclair offer an honors program for transfer students?
    Yes! 符合条件的转学生可以在入学第一学期后加入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的Tau Sigma国家荣誉协会Theta Xi分会. You can learn more about Tau Sigma on our Honor Societies web page.
  • How can I learn more about your academic programs?
    You can browse through all our Academic Programs online.
  • I’m a recently accepted transfer student. How do I register for classes?
  • What is the 2+2 program?
    十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的2+2项目是为社区大学学生设计的一个令人兴奋的机会,保证在各种社区学院注册并完成副学士学位的学生进入大学. 在我们的网站上了解更多十大博彩推荐排名与每个合作机构的具体要求和协议 Montclair State 2+2 web page.
  • What is reverse transfer and how does it work?
    Reverse transfer agreements 允许从新泽西社区学院转到十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的学生在他们的社区学院完成副学士学位,同时在大学就读.
Transferring Credit
  • 我转学的那所大学实行的是一刻钟制. How do courses transfer in this circumstance?
    学生在其他地方每学习一刻钟,可获得十大博彩推荐排名州立大学学分的2/3. This equation does not result in the loss of transfer credits.
  • 我怎么知道有多少学分可以转到十大博彩推荐排名州立大学?
    At Montclair State, we try our best to ensure that most credits transfer, 前提是他们来自地区认可的学院/大学. For your own reference, we do not give credit for basic skills courses, ESL courses lower than level 100, or courses where the earned grade is lower than a C-.
  • How many credits can I transfer?
    如果你是从一个地区认可的四年制大学转学, 我们目前没有限制您可以转移的学分数量. Keep in mind, though, 你需要在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学完成至少30个学分才能获得十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的学位. 如果你是从一个地区认可的两年制机构(社区学院)或两年制课程转学,  你最多可以将60个学分转到学士学位.
  • Are courses in which I received grades of “P” (pass), “CR” (credit) or “S” (satisfactory) accepted in transfer?
    Generally, courses taken with a grade of “P”, “CR”, or “S” are accepted at full credit value, 前提是你上一所学校的大学学分.
  • 我上一所大学的GPA会转到十大博彩推荐排名州立大学吗?
  • I took a CLEP test at my other college. Will Montclair State accept CLEP scores?
    通过其他学院获得CLEP学分的学生必须向十大博彩推荐排名州立大学提交官方考试成绩才能获得学分. (请注意:如果CLEP学分有助于完成AA, AS, or AFA degree from a community college, test scores are not required.) Please review the CLEP Exam Equivalency Chart.
  • I took AP courses in high school. Will Montclair State accept my AP scores?
    参加高中AP课程的学生必须向十大博彩推荐排名州立大学提交官方考试成绩才能获得学分. Please review the AP Exam Equivalency Chart.
  • 在我被录取之前,我可以收到对我的转学分的评估吗?
    Due to the large volume of transfer applications received, 我们不能在学生被录取之前进行信用评估. 评估将在入学后不久完成,并在支付学费押金之前提供.
  • Does Montclair accept D grades?
    In general, no: only grades of C- or better are accepted in transfer; however there are two exceptions:



  • 我就读于新泽西的一所社区大学,即将转到十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. Is there a website that describes how courses will transfer?
    Yes. Visit
  • 转副学士学位有什么好处?
    从社区学院毕业并获得艺术副学士学位(AA)的学生, Associate of Science (AS), 或美术副学士(AFA)将满足十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的通识教育要求. The General Education requirement will be waived.
  • 十大博彩推荐排名接受纽约大学语言能力考试的学分吗?
    Yes, these scores may be reviewed for transfer credit. 所有纽约大学语言能力考试成绩报告必须直接寄给Rashida Batte-Bowden, Associate Registrar, at and Adele Basile, Assistant Registrar, at
  • I don’t understand my credit evaluation. Can someone help me?
    We’re happy to help! Please contact us at 973-655-4444 or email for assistance.