Contact the 哲学 dep艺术ment in the following ways:
•哲学主席; 老虎Roholt,
• Find faculty contact information on our 教师页面.



哲学 is the rational inquiry into our most basic beliefs 和 values. Socrates famously said, “的 unexamined life is not worth living.” This examination involves seeking answers to questions 如: 我该如何生活? •什么是真理?? • How is the mind related to the body? •我们有自由意志吗? •什么是正义?? • How should we make ethical judgments when there seems to be no clear right or wrong answer?  • Are we more likely to know what is real through reason or through the senses? • How am I related to the world 和 to others? •艺术的价值是什么? • How does technology mediate our engagement with the world 和 with others? A philosopher’s examination into these 和 other issues is grounded on evidence, 推理, 和参数. If you are a curious person who enjoys intellectual challenges, then you may find a philosophy classroom invigorating.

(Trevor McKenzie, 如图所示, completed our 哲学学士/MBA课程, which begins in our 哲学 dep艺术ment 和 ends in the Feliciano School of Business.)


的 Practical Value of Studying 哲学

By studying philosophy, students develop powerful, 认知 transferrable skills that pay off in a variety of 职业—transferable skills 如 Logical Reasoning • Analysis • Abstract Conceptualization • Problem-Solving • Creative Thinking • Clear 和 Persuasive Writing • Mental Dexterity • An Ability to Assess Different Perspectives 和 Frameworks • Information Management. 有关更多信息,请参阅我们的 职业生涯 页面.

2018 earnings data show that the national median salary of 哲学 graduates is now higher than nearly every other major in the social sciences, 人文学科, 和 higher than many other majors in the university—higher than Psychology, 犯罪学, 沟通, 特殊教育, 幼儿教育, 企业管理, 政治科学, 历史, 英语, 等等....... (对于一个数据源,请参见

哪一个 职业 哲学专业的毕业生? Technology • Business • Law • Publishing • Government • Advertising • Journalism • Teaching • Sales • Human Resources • Public Relations • Activism • Public Policy等.等.

的 philosophy major is also exceptional training for many 研究生 途径,比如法学院. 哲学 majors perform extremely well on a variety of entrance tests for 研究生 和 professional study. 参见“研究生学习”的底部 职业生涯 页面.

(阿曼达·巴尔加斯, 如图所示, is a Montclair 哲学 graduate; she is a healthy-food restauranteur, Fettle + Fare的创始人兼首席执行官, 也是ted演讲者.)


的 哲学俱乐部—run by philosophy majors—is a place of passion 和 curiosity, where students are welcome to explore a variety of topics in a fun, 放松, 合作方式. Come by 和 get a feel for our community. It will leave you with a new perspective on life.  的 club meets every Thursday in fall 2024, from 1:30 to 3:30, in Dickson 114.的 club has recently discussed topics 如 love, 真实性, Reddit, 钱, 漫威宇宙, 自我, 艺术, 知识, 真理, 和 the question—”What is a s和wich?”


午餐哲学 is a weekly event where students, 教授, 和 other philosophy enthusiasts close-read 和 discuss a few great passages of philosophy. 欢迎大家! No preparation or previous 知识 of philosophy is needed. Recent sessions have focused on free speech, 枪支之争, 亚里士多德谈友谊, 思想实验, 福柯的“圆形监狱”, 等等.......

当? 周四11:30 AM-12:30 PM 在哪里?  施密特大厅,104室.

午餐哲学 更多关于P4L的信息

Photo of Madison Gamba, 哲学专业


Our philosophy Major 和 Minor are flexible programs that enable students to take advantage of the interesting, 转移 选课 我们每学期都提供. 的 philosophy major is 12 courses. 哲学辅修6门课程. Almost all of the courses students take in these programs are taught by full-time 教授. One of the benefits of the size of our small dep艺术ment is that students get to know their 教授 as well as their fellow majors 和 minors. Almost all of our 200-level 和 300-level philosophy courses are small seminars, 平均15-19名学生.

哲学专业 副修哲学

(Madison Gamba, 如图所示, is a Montclair 哲学 graduate; she recently earned an M.A. in 哲学 at the New School for Social 研究, NYC.)


的 philosophy faculty are dedicated teachers 和 productive scholars with expertise in many areas of philosophy, 比如科学哲学, 心灵的哲学, 女权主义哲学, 现象学, 政治哲学, 技术哲学, 艺术哲学, 还有哲学史. We take an active interest in our students’ academic careers.

See Recent 研究 by Montclair 哲学 Faculty



Every semester we offer an interesting 选课. In recent semesters we have offered courses 如 哲学 of Technology; Social 和 Political 哲学; 哲学 of Biology; 的ories of Action; 哲学 in Science Fiction; 哲学 of Mind; 哲学 of Race; 哲学 of Happiness; 和 Knowledge, 信仰, 和真理. 看到 最近开设的课程列表.


的 哲学 Dep艺术ment is committed to supporting students 和 providing quality lectures 和 events for both the campus 和 community, 如 午餐哲学哲学对话. Your gift to the 哲学 Dep艺术ment will help support events 和 scholarships sponsored by the dep艺术ment.

To give online, check “other” as the designation 和 specify “哲学 Dep艺术ment.”
