
Benefits Workshops

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的福利团队全年都会安排各种主题的员工研讨会. 有关即将举行的研讨会的更多信息,请选择以下链接之一.


退休研讨会旨在为您提供退休步骤的概述. 这个工作坊是为退休未满一年的员工设计的.

ABP Retirement Zoom Workshop Dates:

  • 2024年9月26日中午12点至12点半
  • 2024年11月13日中午12点至12点半

Register to attend a workshop

ABP Preparing for Retirement


退休研讨会旨在为您提供退休步骤的概述. 这个工作坊是为退休未满一年的员工设计的.

PERS Retirement Zoom Workshop Dates:

如欲报名,请与福利组联系,电话: hr-benefits@shury2.net to register.

PERS Preparing for Retirement

Parental Leave Workshops

In this workshop, employees who are preparing a family, considering adoption, 或者那些计划成为父母的人会被提供基本的休假相关信息.

如欲报名,请与福利组联系,电话: hr-benefits@shury2.net to register.

Financial Counseling Sessions

由TIAA代表提供财务及退休辅导, VOYA, Empower, AXA, Metlife, and Valic on campus. 这些课程将集中在你为退休做准备时的具体需求上. Registration is required.

TIAA – Nancy Vandergoot & Joe Del Grande

Register here for your one-on-one session

Montclair Campus Dates:

  • Wednesday, September 11, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 524
  • Tuesday, October 8, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 412
  • Tuesday, December 3, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 412

Bloomfield Campus Dates:

  • Wednesday, October 2, 2024
    • 地点:图书馆低层- LL07室
  • Tuesday, November 5, 2024
    • 地点:图书馆低层- LL07室
  • Wednesday, December 18, 2024
    • 地点:图书馆低层- LL07室

VOYA – Frank Booth

Register here for your one-on-one session

  • Tuesday, September 24, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 412
  • Wednesday, October 9, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 327
  • Tuesday, November 19, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 412

Paycheck and Retirement Workshops:
When: Every Tuesday 12pm – 1pm
Register here to attend the workshop

Empower(前身为Prudential Retirement) - Jordan Swartz


  • Wednesday, August 14, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 412
  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 412
  • Thursday, October 3, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 412

Register here 参加乔丹·斯沃茨的虚拟会议

AXA Equitable – David Lynch


Empower(前身为Mass Mutual)——艾拉·戈德堡


MetLife – David Sharpe

Register here for your one-on-one session

  • Wednesday, September 18, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 412
  • Wednesday, October 23, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 327
  • Thursday, November 14, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 327
  • Wednesday, December 11, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 412

VALIC – Nazma Begum

Register here for your one-on-one session
Registration Code: 7269UPP11AA

  • Thursday, September 12, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 524
  • Wednesday, November 20, 2024
    • Where: School of Business 327

When: Every Friday 12pm – 1pm
Register here to attend the workshop

Social Security 101

社会保障福利讲习班是人力资源部提供的退休计划讲习班的补充. 社会保障101课程将由来自美国的社会保障专家介绍.S. Social Security Administration.


New Employee Benefits Workshop

该研讨会将根据您的资格提供详细的福利信息,作为欢迎新员工的补充. 新员工应该计划在入职的第一周内参加,了解有关福利选择的详细信息, medical, dental, pre-tax flexible spending accounts, 养老金和人寿保险福利,并希望在完成在线注册之前获得帮助.

让我们为您安排日程,请联系福利组,地址是 benefits@shury2.net


Wellness Webinars

皮肤护理:保持健康和容光焕发,在任何季节,9月5日下午1 - 2点

Jenna Mathews leads this session, 深入了解顶级护肤技术和实践,保持皮肤健康.

Register Now


健康教育者Rachel Lendner讨论了为什么饮食很难遵循,并提供了打破循环的见解.

Register Now



Register Now

虚拟灵气课程,9月24日下午1 - 2点

在Micheline DeBono的带领下,学习打开能量障碍, Yoga Instructor and Reiki Master.

Register Now

创造你自己的幸福,过你最好的生活,9月26日下午12:30 - 1:30

Your happiness does not depend on others; you can create it for yourself. 加入我们这节由肯尼·穆恩带领的课程,学习如何创造你自己的幸福.

Register Now

观看网络研讨会的录音,请访问 HorizonBlue.com/njwellwebinars.

NJM Insurance Group


Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: 人力资源福利卫星办公室- 18正常大道

Register for an appointment with NJM

请提供您目前的保单申报表页和您家庭所有居民的驾驶执照号码. All employees are eligible to apply.

State Training Webinars

Overview for Employees in the DCRP
When: Monday, August 5,2024
Register here to attend the webinar

When: Monday, August 5,2024
Register here to attend the webinar

When: Thursday, August 8,2024
Register here to attend the webinar

Live Q&A适用于PERS和TPAF成员-仅限州雇员
When: Friday, August 9,2024
Register here to attend the webinar

了解PERS的养老金福利 & TPAF Members – State Employees Only
When: Monday, August 12,2024
Register here to attend the webinar

When: Monday, August 12,2024
Register here to attend the webinar

Open Enrollment FAQ Sessions

公开招生常见问题解答会议,以帮助您浏览即将到来的公开招生过程. 这些会议是问问题和了解你的福利的关键细节的好机会. 我们鼓励您准备好您可能需要的任何问题,以确保顺利成功的注册过程.

  • October 11, 2024 from 11am – 11:15am
  • October 18, 2024 from 11am – 11:15am
  • October 25, 2024 from 11am – 11:15am
Register to attend a session