
Cybersecurity Awareness Training

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The 大学 provides cyber/information security awareness training to ensure that all employees understand how to avoid common cyber threats and mistakes that can put both the 大学 and your personal information at risk. 培训也是 要求 to comply with related regulatory and insurance requirements.

员工 登记 in the training can login here: http://montclair.litmos.com


  • 我用什么浏览器啊?
    • 苹果Safari
    • 谷歌Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • 微软的优势
  • I just started working at MSU, when can I start training?

After you activate your netid, it will take at least 两(2)周 before your data is uploaded into our system and you receive access to the training. You are not 要求 to take training until you receive an email from our learning management system about the training.

  • I’m a per diem/student worker and I can’t access the training!

Cybersecurity training is not currently available for per diems (temporary employees) and student workers.

  • What will I be learning in this training?

This self-guided training will be on the following subjects:

      1. 数据安全
      2. 恶意软件
      3. MFA轰炸
      4. 电子邮件 & 网络钓鱼
      5. 安全浏览
      6. 社交媒体
      7. 社会工程
      8. 远程工作
      9. 移动设备安全
      10. 事故报告
  • I took this last year; do I have to do it again?

是的. Cybersecurity training is an annual training that must be completed each year to comply with related regulatory and insurance requirements.

  • How do I confirm I’ve completed the training?

登录 http://montclair.litmos.com. 点击 成就 located in the task bar on the left-hand side of your screen. You may also choose to download your Certificate of Completion.

  • I keep getting emails that my training is not complete even though I did it!

To review training, log into http://montclair.litmos.com. 检查 我的训练 主页上的部分. If the course is not listed under the Completed tab then your training is not complete. Review any modules of the training that require completion.

If you still require assistance please contact your local academic technology teams or the IT服务台 at 973-655-7971, option 1, or by email at itservicedesk@shury2.net 寻求帮助.

请注意: If you wish to review a module after you have already completed it the training will change your completed status on that module to in progress. Please make sure you fully complete all modules in the course. Visit the In Progress tab under 我的训练 to see any in progress courses and modules.

  • My training says it’s expired/overdue, what do I do?

Once 登记 in the training you have 4周 to complete the training before being marked as overdue. You will then have until the first week of December to complete the training for the year. After the first week of December training is no longer available and the system will report training as incomplete for the year.

  • Can I set the language preferences once?

Language preferences selection is shown for every module by default. This is platform behavior that we cannot change.

  • I’m having issues with my training, who do I contact?

For support regarding this training, please contact your local academic technology teams or the IT服务台 at 973-655-7971, option 1, or by email at itservicedesk@shury2.net 寻求帮助.