
1098 - t信息

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学需要提供1098-T给所有学生谁支付了一个 符合条件的学费及相关费用 在本纳税年度. 1098-T表格是用来帮助学生和家长确定是否有资格获得美国机会税收抵免或终身学习抵免.

The 1098-T is provided each year on or before January 31. 1098-T上报告的数据是基于纳税年度(1 - 12月),而不是学年. 在2018纳税年度之前, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学1098-Ts在方框2中包含了一个表示金额的数字 宣传 during the calendar year for 符合条件的学费及相关费用 (QTRE). Due to a change to institutional reporting requirements under federal law, 从2018纳税年度开始, educational institutions are required to report in Box 1 the amount of 付款收到了 for QTRE from all sources (including scholarships, 贷款和其他第三方支付),而不是账单金额. Box 2 reporting of amounts 宣传 is no longer applicable.


IRS第970号出版物, 教育税收优惠, IRS表格8863, 教育学分, 1098T使用说明, 互动税务助理员(ITA), 教育学分 all provide details on claiming these tax credits. 如果您对教育税收抵免有进一步的疑问,请咨询专业人士 税务顾问 to determine if you are eligible for any education-related tax incentives. The 大学 cannot offer individual tax advice.

1098 - t交付

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 has partnered with 腹地ECSI to provide you with your 1098-T Tax Form. The 1098-T Tax Form will be distributed on or before January 31. 当1098-T表格可供下载时,学生将通过十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的电子邮件地址收到通知. 来自ECSI的通知有关于如何在线访问声明的详细说明.

请注意: 所有的1098-T都是由腹地ECSI学生税务信息(1098-T)印刷和传播的。.

For example, a 负责 for Winter 2023 that 发布 to your in November 2022 would be included on your 2022 tax form if the 付款 发布 to your 巢 account by December 31, 2022. 然而,如果 付款 发布 on or after January 1, 2023, it would be included on your 2023 form.

The Benefits to Receiving Electronic Notification

  • 在线投递可以比传统邮寄过程更早地访问1098-T表格.
  • Online delivery eliminates the chance that the 1098-T will get lost, misdirected or delayed during delivery or misplaced once the student receives it.
  • Signing up for online delivery is easy and secure.
  • 学生可以在旅行或离家时收到1098-T表格.

Do I Need to Create an Account to Retrieve My 1098-T?

我们提供了在没有账户的情况下获取1098-T的分步说明. Retrieving Your 1098-T Without Creating an Account

How Can I Receive My 1098-T 学费 Statement Electronically?

  • 通过同意这个条款 Student Financial Responsibility Agreement, you have agreed to receive Form 1098-T electronically.
  • If you did not consent to the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement, you can certify the receipt of your 1098-T form electronically.
  • 点击 ECSI电子同意申请.
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions on the web form.
  • 选中该框并单击submit.

1098 - t FAQ

What Are Students Supposed To Do With the Form When They Receive Their 1098-T?
The dollar amounts reported on your Form 1098-T may assist you in completing IRS表格8863 -用于计算教育税收抵免的表格,纳税人可以在纳税申报表中申请. You can find detailed information about claiming education tax credits in the IRS第970号出版物.
What Should I Do If There is an Error With the Reported Amounts Shown?
Beginning with the tax year 2018 form, your 1098-T form will report 符合条件的学费及相关费用 按日历/课税年度在栏1内缴付. Amounts paid are reported on your 1098-T form based on the date the 付款 发布 to your account, regardless of the date or term the 负责 发布.
For example, a 负责 for Winter 2023 that 发布 to your in November 20, 2022 would be included on your 2022 tax form if the 付款 发布 to your 巢 account by December 31, 2022. 然而,如果 付款 发布 on or after January 1, 2023, it would be included on your 2023 form.
If you believe there is an error with the amount(s) reported on your form, please verify by reviewing your 巢 statement as well as your bank records. 也请参阅 IRS第970号出版物 to ensure that the 付款 in question qualifies as a QTRE expense. 在审查了美国国税局970号出版物之后, 如果你觉得有错误, please contact the 学生账户 Office at redhawkcentral@shury2.net.
谁会收到1098-T表格? Do I Need to Provide a SSN or ITIN Number?
U级学生.S. 公民或永久居民,其入学学分导致高等教育学位,有资格从十大博彩推荐排名州立大学获得完整的1098-T表格. 每个州, 联邦和国税局的指导方针, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学将要求所有学生提供他们的社会安全号码(SSN)或个人纳税人识别号码(ITIN)用于报告目的. 在纳税表上有准确的社会安全号码或个人纳税识别号码,可以支持学生或家庭在联邦和州所得税申报表上申请合格教育费用的税收减免. 未能向十大博彩推荐排名州立大学提供社会安全号可能会导致美国国税局根据收入进行罚款 法典第6723条. The last day to submit an SSN/ITIN correction is 3月1日星期五.
What are Qualified and Unqualified Expenses?
  • 学费
  • 一般费用
  • 技术费
  • 项目费用
  • 实验室的费用
  • 网上课程收费
  • 住房
  • 餐厅
  • 书店购买
  • 滞纳金
  • 学生健康保险
  • 医疗评估费用
  • 电话服务费
Amounts reported as 付款s include personal 付款s, 贷款, 奖学金/助学金,减去因帐户超额付款而发出的退款. Total 付款s reported in Box 1 cannot exceed the amount of applicable QTRE.
What If the SSN on My Tax Form Is Incorrect?
  1. Notify the 注册商’s Office at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.
    • 要在大学的纳税表上更正你的SSN,你必须填写申请 更改姓名及/或学生证号码 and submit to the 注册商’s Office at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. The last day to submit an SSN/ITIN correction is 3月1日星期五.
  2. 通知ECSI. 你也必须通知ECSI 填写W-9S表格. 请在表格顶部包括您的学校代码(WT)和学校名称,以帮助加快您的申请. Please note that your SSN cannot be corrected without a W-9S form on file.
    • After completing the form, you can submit it to ECSI using the following methods:
      • 将表格传真至:866-291-5384
      • 将表格邮寄至:

我是一名因意外开支而获得紧急经济援助资金的学生, 未满足的财政需要, 因COVID-19大流行而导致校园运营中断的相关费用. Is this grant includible in my gross income?

No, emergency financial aid grants under this emergency act for unexpected expenses, 未满足的财政需要, 或与COVID-19大流行相关的费用属于符合条件的救灾支付 section 139 of the Internal Revenue Code. 最新的faq, 表明高等教育机构必须报告合格学费及相关费用总额(QTRE), 由高等教育基金资助基金支付, 表格1098-T第1栏. 高等教育院校毋须在1098-T表格上另行注明由高等教育资助基金资助的资历教育资助额, and they do not need to report the grants themselves in Box 5 of Form 1098-T. 无论高等教育机构是否向学生支付了紧急经济援助补助金,情况都是如此, who then used grant money to pay for QTRE, or applied grant money directly to a QTRE on a student’s account.

我收到了一笔紧急经济援助赠款,并用其中的一部分支付了在线学习所需的课程材料,因为我的学院或大学校园已经关闭. Can I claim a tuition and fees deduction for the cost of these materials, 或将这些材料的费用作为申请美国机会学分或终身学习学分的合格教育费用?

No. Because the emergency financial aid grant is not includible in your gross income, 你不能要求扣减或抵减与助学金一起支付的费用,包括学费和杂费扣减, 美国机会信贷, 或者终身学习学分. 看到 section 139(h) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Emergency financial aid grants are for unexpected expenses, 未满足的财政需要, 或因COVID-19大流行而导致校园运营中断的相关费用, are qualified as disaster relief 付款s under section 139 of the Internal Revenue Code. 此补助金不包括在第5栏中.

  • 美国国税局要求符合条件的教育机构准备1098-T表格 大多数 students who paid for “qualified educational expenses” in the preceding year. 符合国税局规定, 在以下情况下,十大博彩推荐排名州立大学不需要向学生提供1098-T表:
  • 在报告年度申报的合格学费和相关费用被完全免除或完全由报告年度申报的奖学金支付的学生(注意,春季学期的付款经常在报告年度申报) 以前的 reporting year, and are thus reflected in the prior year’s Form 1098-T)
  • Courses for which no academic credit is offered or earned, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program
  • 在报告年度申报的符合条件的学费和相关费用完全免除或完全由报告年度申报的奖学金或助学金支付的学生(注意,春季学期的付款通常在上一个报告年度申报)
  • 如果你属于这些例外情况之一,你将不会收到来自大学的1098-T表格.
  • For more information about US Education Tax Credits, visit: 1098 t常见问题解答.

请注意, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学不能确定你是否有资格获得教育税收抵免, nor identify the amount of the credit for which you may qualify. 请咨询您的 税务专业 寻求帮助. IRS第970号出版物, 教育税收优惠, IRS表格8863, 教育学分, 1098T使用说明, 互动税务助理员(ITA), Q & A .紧急补助金, 教育学分  all provide details on claiming these tax credits.


  • Call 腹地ECSI at 1-866-428-1098 with questions about your 1098-T tax document. Customer Advocates are available 周一至周五,早上7:30.m. – 8 p.m. 东部时间.
  • 即时聊天 with an 腹地ECSI  customer service advocate! 周一至周五,早上7:30.m. – 8 p.m.或者周六早上8点半.m. – 5 p.m..
  • 有关常见问题和有用资源,请 访问十大博彩推荐排名州立1098T网页.