Photo of young adults sitting in group drinking coffee and using their cellphones.



Please find previously posted information about study abroad COVID-19 Updates 在这里.

For more information regarding coronavirus (COVID-19), please view 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s official policy and message 在这里.

The Office of International Academic Initiatives is committed to assisting 十大博彩推荐排名州立 students with the protection of their own safety and health as they study abroad. Please access the following resources as you prepare to participate in the local culture of your host country.

  • International Travel, Medical, and Security Assistance
    出国留学 students must be enrolled in Aetna On-Call Travel, Medical and Security Assistance coverage.  This is not a health insurance policy. Students who already have health coverage from Aetna through 十大博彩推荐排名州立 may activate this OnCall assistance coverage at no cost.  Students on external health insurance plans must enroll in the standalone Aetna OnCall coverage for the period of time they are studying and traveling abroad.   此处查看策略信息.  On-Call is a travel, medical and security assistance policy with limited coverage.  请查阅计划详情.
  • 国外医疗保险. 十大博彩推荐排名州立 encourages all students going abroad to check with their provider prior to departure to determine whether they have any health insurance coverage while abroad.  If not, students may choose to purchase an overseas health insurance policy.
  • General Health and Safety Guidelines
    This web page provides health and safety tips and resources that students can use prior to departure and while they are abroad.
  • 监测世界大事
    十大博彩推荐排名州立 monitors all public announcements and travel warnings issued by the U.S. State Department and Alert Traveler. This page provides an overview of the precautionary procedures that the International Academic Initiatives Office follows when such a posting is issued.

Additional resources on health and safety abroad can be found 在这里:  Students Abroad – Health and Safety

All study abroad students have access to advisors and resources for health and safety information. IAI provides pre-departure orientations for all study abroad students before leaving campus. While we remain a resource to students before, during and after their time abroad, we emphasize that students must take personal responsibility for their own safety, security and well-being while abroad.

Although no one can guarantee completely a student’s safety, security and well-being—at home or abroad—t在这里 are steps each student can take to mitigate risk and make the most of the experience. We strongly recommend that students carefully read through the information and resources we have provided in this section of the website.


Your health and safety abroad depend both on what is happening around you as well as the responsible decisions you make before you leave and while you’re abroad. Prioritize your health and safety above all else when making decisions.

  • Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) 和AlertTraveler.
  • 下载AlertTraveler.
  • Attend 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 pre-departure sessions and orientation sessions at your host institution.
  • Access the Learning Content in your 出国留学 application portal.
  • Prepare in advance for known medical conditions and medication needs.
  • 相信你的直觉.
  • Keep your cell phone charged and with you.
  • Carry contact information for your program staff and the in-country, 911-equivalent emergency number(s).
  • Remain alert to your surroundings, even if you become uncomfortable.
  • Know what activities are culturally and legally appropriate.
  • Stay informed about current events in your host country. Learn to assess unfamiliar situations and possible risks in your new country.
  • When traveling away from your program site, make sure that your program staff and/or friends know w在这里 you’re going and when you’re expected to return.
  • Avoid demonstrations, or if you find yourself caught up in one, stay far from the center of activity.
  • 远离高犯罪率地区, 如果是在晚上, make sure you and your friends have a safe way home. Avoid walking alone at night whenever possible.